Live Gloriously, Go Boldly


Welcome to Live Gloriously, Go Boldly!

This part of the website is all about the game using the Star Trek: Adventures TTRPG game system. It's based in the Star Trek universe and canon, and Section 42's sub-canon.

Session 1 (09.16.23)

LGGB: Episode 1 Part 1

A team of cadets boards the USS Quincy for their two month voyage from Earth to Camelot Asteroid Base as a part of their SCUIR program.

Session 2 (09.30.23)

LGGB: Episode 1/2 Part 2

Something ain't right in Whoville! Romulans?! Everybody's dead?! How will the cadet team handle this?

Session 3 (10.14.23)

LGGB: Episode 2 Part 3

The cadets rescued the captive survivors and took back the Quincy in time for the Lancelot to swing in and chase the Romulans off.

Session 4 (10.28.23)

LGGB: Episode 3

Welcome to Camelot! We follow Elysara, Rey, and Stanley through a day with a break in the schedule.

Session 5 (11.11.24)

LGGB: Episode 4

The team, (Saleen, Elysara, Rey, Na'ila and Stanley), deals with a nebula anomaly.

Session 6 (11.12.24)

LGGB: Episode 5

Saleen, Elwood, Stanley, and Nuev investigate a strange plague.

Session 7 (01.06.24)

LGGB: Episode 6 - "Merry Q-Mas"

Saleen, Elysara, and Stanley...Meet Quiss, the Christmas Q!

Session 8 (01.20.24)

LGGB: Episode 7

The team helps a retiring Admiral Maia Keeti with a teraforming mission while Saleen and Elwood pick up a Klingon prisoner.

Session 9 (02.17.24)

LGGB: Episode 8 - "The Straight of Sto-vo-kor, Part 1"

Elysara leads the team in getting information about a ship attacking vessels in a nebula within Klingon space.

Session 10 (03.02.24)

LGGB: Episode 8 - "The Straight of Sto-vo-kor, Part 2

The team continues their investigation into the Straight of Sto-vo-kor.

Session 11 (03.30.24)

LGGB: Episode 8 - "The Straight of Sto-vo-kor, Part 3

The team concludes their investigation into the Straight of Sto-vo-kor.

Session 12 (04.27.24)

LGGB: Episode 9 - "Noaru, Part 1

The team works through their emotions and views on a new mission involving a recent law implemented by the United Federation of Planets.

Session 13 (05.11.24)

LGGB: Episode 9 - "Noaru, Part 2

The team heads to the surface of Noaru after learning the real goals of the supervisor for the mission, Rear Admiral Joodet Celidor.

Session 14 (05.25.24)

LGGB: Episode 9 - "Noaru, Part 3



Saturday, June 22, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 14 - Episode 8 "Noaru", Part 3.

Saturday, May 11, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 13 - Episode 8 "Noaru", Part 2.

Saturday, April 27, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 12 - Episode 8 "Noaru", Part 1.

Saturday, March 30, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 11 - Episode 8 "The Straight of Sto-vo-kor", Part 3.

Saturday, March 2, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 10 - Episode 8 "The Straight of Sto-vo-kor", Part 2.

Saturday, February 17, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 9 - Episode 8 "The Straight of Sto-vo-kor", Part 1.

Saturday, January 20, 2024: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 8 - Episode 7.

Saturday, January 6, 2024 Christmas Session after New Years!

Sunday, November 12, 2023: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 6 - Episode 5 (Group 2).

Saturday, November 11, 2023: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 5 - Episode 4 (Group 1).

Saturday, October 28, 2023: Live Gloriously, Go Boldly: Session 4 - Episode 3.

Saturday, October 14, 2023 Episode 1 completed! On to Camelot for the cadets!

Saturday, October 1, 2023: Welcome LGGB Players!

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